
Sermon – Easter VI

Troubled Times (From 2022) Happy Easter!           This is the Sunday before Ascension Day.  The Ascension is a day that is easy to ignore.  It takes place on a Thursday (a lot of Episcopal congregations have their mid-week service on Wednesday).  When I was a student at Nashotah House, Ascension Day was celebrated with great […]


Sermon – Easter IV

Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice (From May 8, 2022) Happy Easter!           Today is “Good Shepherd Sunday.  Every year on this fourth Sunday of Easter we hear Jesus’ description of himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep.           The story is told in A Treasury of Jewish Folklore: Stories, Traditions, […]


Sermon – Easter III

(From May 1, 2022) Happy Easter!               This morning we’re back in Galilee where the story began.  Peter announces that he is going fishing and the other disciples join him.  According to John the Evangelist, this is the third appearance of the Risen Christ. Here, on the shores of the Sea of Tiberias, Jesus not […]