Church News

Current COVID-19 Operating Procedure

From the Mission Board and Father George

Editor’s note: Services have not resumed as of June 26, 2020 and there are no plans to re-open in the foreseeable future, probably through July. An announcement about opening will be made on the home page of this site and via our email list.

Standing Operating Procedure

15th May 2020

SUBJECT: Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) Reopening for Worship

1.  PURPOSE:  This is to outline the procedures and protocols implemented for the Church of the Mediator as we reopen for public worship.  This SOP will remain in effect until further revision by the Mission Board.

2.  GENERAL GUIDANCE:  This SOP and subsequent SOPs will be governed by the general guidance provided by the Diocese of Florida and will be the final authority for procedures and future actions.

3.  BUILDING and SEATING:  Social distancing will be maintained as much as possible.  A minimum of six feet between family groups and/or individuals.  Every other pew on alternate sides should accomplish this.

4.  WORSHIP SERVICES:  Face masks, or coverings, will be worn though out the service by everyone including the celebrant.  Singing will be limited to an opening and closing hymn.  Spoken responses will be used everywhere else.  Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance and at the altar rail.  The alms basin will be placed near the front of the church within easy reach of the hand sanitizer.

5.  THE PEACE:  The peace will be exchanged between the celebrant and the congregation as in the prayer book.  The exchange between non-family members will be limited to hand waves, or other friendly gestures.  Exchanges between family members will be according to personal custom.

6.  COMMUNION:  Holy Communion will be distributed in one kind (bread) only.  Parishioners desiring Communion will approach the altar rail one at a time, cleanse their hands with the provided sanitizer, and the celebrant (wearing a mask) will place the host into their outstretched hands.  Where upon, the parishioner will simply return to his/her seat.

7.  FELLOWSHIP:  There will be no coffee hour or fellowship time after the service until we receive further guidance from the diocese and/or local government.  Greetings at the door will be limited to friendly conversation.

8.  SCOPE:  These are temporary measures to keeps our church family safe as our society begins to reopen in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.  A smile and a laugh will go a long way toward making these steps livable in the coming weeks.

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