What is “soaking prayer”? Perhaps, like many things, it depends upon who you ask. Ask 10 people, you may get 10 different answers. So, what is meant by the term at the Church of the Mediator? That answer is simple. It is time spent in personal prayer without distractions. So once a week, we take […]
Category: Church News
Current COVID-19 Operating Procedure
From the Mission Board and Father George Editor’s note: Services have not resumed as of June 26, 2020 and there are no plans to re-open in the foreseeable future, probably through July. An announcement about opening will be made on the home page of this site and via our email list. Standing Operating Procedure 15th […]
Adapted from the weekly email to members of Church of the Mediator by Father George, June 26 2020. Several have asked about “Spiritual Communion.” I’ve written a brief response, as follows: Interest in “spiritual communion” is on the rise as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage our nation and the world making our usual form […]
Mediator in the news
The Living Church website (livingchurch.org) posted a nice article about Church of the Mediator and its doings during the pandemic. Below is the link to the story. https://livingchurch.org/2020/04/23/rural-florida-church-waits-in-faith-hope-love/

The Episcopal Church of the Mediator welcomes you to Micanopy! We are in the process of updating our website as of late March, 2020. If you have any suggestions, find a problem, a misspelled word or something else, please let us know in the comment section below. ALL CHURCH ACTIVITIES ARE SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE […]